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With this integration, work orders submitted through ServiceChannel show up automatically in ServiceTitan. When you use ServiceTitan to accept and schedule work, those details automatically populate in ServiceChannel, eliminating the need for repeat data entry in two different systems.
Leads & Bookings
Property & Facilities Management
Gold Partner
Key Benefits
  1. Zero errors

    1. Ensure accuracy across systems by removing human error and manual entry from the process.

  2. Gain the edge

    1. Boost your ServiceChannel speed score and gain a competitive edge by responding faster to work order requests.

  3. Do more

    1. Elevate team productivity across your business by streamlining operations with intelligent automations.

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"In the first 90 days, we improved our overall ServiceChannel score by 10 points. It's led to nearly 100 new inquiries and a $250,000 increase in revenue"

- Shane Jaeger, President of Operations at Lawton Commercial Services


What information is passed through the ServiceChannel Integration? All Work Order information is passed from ServiceChannel to ServiceTitan including customer information (name, location, contact number), requested date and time, and the booking summary (problem description, WO number, PO number, NTE, priority, trade and category).

The information in the WO can vary based on the Subscriber who submits the WO. While some WOs may have NTE, others may not. Since the Subscriber is responsible for selecting the information that should be included in the WO, this is consolidated in the job summary field.

Once the provider actions on the WO, the accept / decline status and ServiceTitan job number (if a job is created) is shared back with ServiceChannel.

How much does the ServiceChannel integration cost? ServiceChannel Integration is available to all providers across all packages. It is available as part of the core platform and there is no extra cost for using this feature.


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